This might be the FIRST VR180 VR-game review??
I’ve no idea, somebody check that for me. But this right here is an immersive look into the gruesome, bloody world of Hellish Quart; a fighting game based on Historical European Martial Arts (HEMA) swordplay/fencing ⚔⚔⚔
Watch on YouTube
Best for Questies, Pico ppl, & flatscreens
![Marie from Hellish Quart, with the DeoVR logo](
Watch on DeoVR
Best for PC VR users. D/L DeoVR free on Steam
But if you just wanna watch a flat screen (not as cool) version, here you go:
I shouldn’t be the first to do this, but I might be.
I’ve seen several VR stereo recordings of VR gameplay, but never used with the intention to preview the game itself. Like, why aren’t VR180 VR-game trailers a standard? Imagine, getting to preview a VR game in an immersive way to get a more accurate view of what the game’s world looks like.
It is SO DIFFICULT to explain to VR heads that don’t consume any immersive video content, how good virtu vids can be. Once they hear “3dof” it’s lights out, many don’t wanna hear none of it. But when shot and edited well, a 3dof virtu can be just as immersive as a 6dof passive experience, so long as the virtu creator takes into account the viewer’s context.
That being said, I think virtus for game reviews and game trailers is a no-brainer. What better way to preview a VR game than through a video that shows what the game looks like at-scale and in-headset? Like, imagine browsing the Steam VR store or the Meta store in-headset, and getting to click on a VR180 game trailer. Sick. VR game companies can accomplish this using a stereo record method from within a game engine like Unity, or within a 3d program like Blender. For VR content creators (virtu videographers), our options are kinda jank at the moment.
I’ve researched and tested various methods over the past couple of years, all to varying success. This Hellish Quart review is using one of my latest methods using Oculus Mirror via quest cable link. But even then, I’m certain there’s better methods, i’m just not sure what that is. VR content creators def need a better way to record high-quality stereo recordings of VR gameplay. The new Meta dev hub does have a stereo-record option, but it’s stuck at a lower resolution and bitrate than I’d like, plus no audio recording for some odd reason. If maybe nvidia or a super clever dev can make a plugin that works with OBS, maybe that might be a banger of an app.
Anyways. If there’s enough interest out there, I might make a tutorial about my current method. Till then, stay immersed yall.